Just the other day, someone asked me, “Why did e6 International decide to partner with Xero?” It’s a question that made me pause and reflect on our 18-month journey with this groundbreaking accounting software. As I pondered the question, I realized that our partnership with Xero has been nothing short of transformative—for us and for our clients. So, let me share why we’re still as excited about Xero today as we were 18 months ago.

The “Aha” Moment: Data Lovers, Meet Your Match

When we first explored Xero, it was love at first sight—or should I say, love at first data point. In a world where data is the new currency, Xero stood out as a Wall Street of financial information. It’s a platform that not only understands the importance of real-time data but also makes it accessible in the most user-friendly way possible.

The Real-Time Revolution: Then and Now

One of the first things that caught our eye 18 months ago was Xero’s real-time data capabilities. Fast forward to today, and it’s still one of the features we rave about the most. Imagine being able to make financial decisions based on real-time insights, not last month’s data. That’s the kind of agility Xero offers, and it’s a game-changer in today’s dynamic business environment.

The Marketplace: A Universe of Possibilities

But let’s not forget about Xero’s Marketplace, the App Store that’s like a universe of possibilities for your business. It’s one of the key reasons our partnership with Xero has been so rewarding.

  • Streamlining Like a Pro
    The Marketplace is like a Swiss Army knife for businesses. Need to manage your inventory? There’s an app for that. Payroll? Check. Customer relationship management? Absolutely. It’s all there, integrated seamlessly with Xero.
  • Custom-Tailored Solutions
    What’s more, the Marketplace allows you to tailor your accounting experience. No matter your industry, there’s an app designed to solve your unique challenges.
  • Quality, Guaranteed
    And let’s not overlook the peace of mind that comes with quality assurance. Every app in the Marketplace undergoes rigorous vetting, ensuring it meets Xero’s high standards for security and functionality.

Summary Table: Xero vs. Others

Feature/FunctionalityXeroQuickBooksSage Intacct
Number of Integrations800+ (Most Diverse)650+200+
Types of IntegrationsBroadest Range (Payroll, CRM, etc.)Broad (Payroll, CRM, etc.)Focused (Finance & Accounting)
API Availability✔️ (Easy to Use API)✔️✔️
Ease of IntegrationEasiest (User-Friendly)EasyModerate
Popular IntegrationsShopify, HubSpot, Square, Stripe (Industry Leaders)PayPal, TSheets, Shopify, SquareSalesforce, Expensify, Bill.com
User ReviewsAvailable (Wide User Feedback)AvailableLimited
Search FunctionalityBy Industry, Feature (Highly Customizable)By Industry, Feature, PopularityBy Functionality, Industry
Pricing InformationVaries (Flexible Options)VariesVaries
Core Accounting✔️ (Intuitive Design)✔️✔️
Multi-Currency Support✔️ (Built-in Support)✔️ (Advanced Plans Only)✔️
Inventory Management✔️ (Seamless Integration)✔️✔️ (Advanced)
PayrollAdd-on (Highly Customizable)Built-in & Add-on optionsAdd-on
Expense Management✔️ (Straightforward & Efficient)✔️✔️
Fixed Asset Management✔️ (Comprehensive)Add-on✔️
Reporting & AnalyticsBasic to Moderate (Highly Extendable with Integrations)Moderate to AdvancedAdvanced

Reflecting on Our Journey

So, to answer the question that sparked this reflection: We partnered with Xero because it aligned perfectly with our mission to provide our clients with strategic, data-driven financial solutions. Eighteen months later, this partnership has not only stood the test of time but has also exceeded our expectations in every way.

In Conclusion

As I look back on our 18-month journey with Xero, I’m filled with a sense of pride and excitement for what the future holds. The platform’s unparalleled focus on real-time data and its robust Marketplace have been invaluable assets. And as we continue this partnership, I can’t wait to see where this journey takes us next.